The best of 2021
A lot can change in a year! It’s been another roller coaster year for jobs and recruitment in Australia. So, as 2021 draws to an end, we wrap up the most read stories of the year.
Top stories of the year
1. Things employees want post-COVID
Expectations and priorities have shifted with the impact of the pandemic on our lives. So, what do employees really want? Read more.
2. The Great Resignation – Your Survival Guide
Whether or not you believe it will happen, employees are changing jobs. How to be prepared. Read more.
3. Does working from home create office FOMO?
Flexibility is on the top of most people's priorities at the moment but what do you miss out on not being in the office? #officeFOMO Read more.
4. How employee and jobseeker expectations have changed
Many employers are having difficulties hiring in the current job market. But does your EVP meet expectations? Read more.
5. Are you caught up on your job title?
Searching for a new job based on the job title alone? You may be doing yourself a disservice. Read more.
6. Returning to normal is difficult: are you experiencing Re-entry syndrome?
If you are exhausted and forgetful, experiencing anxiety or feeling isolated, you may have burnout. Read more.
7. Currently hiring and wondering why your job is still unfilled?
Wondering why applications aren't flooding in for the job advertisement you posted online?
Read more.
8. Have you missed the boat for recruiting in 2021?
Finally, you have been given budget to hire for a new role. But is it too late to recruit in 2021? Read more.
9. Six Degrees announced in best places to work
We may be a little biased that Six Degrees is a great place to work but this year we came in at #6 in WrkPlus Best Places to Work. Read more.
10. Market trends shaping 2021
The job market was a roller coaster in 2021. Check out the latest trends and advice for recruiting in the current market. Read more.
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Meet the Experts: Insights on Marketing Recruitment with Michelle Young
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